Monthly Archive:: Januar 2014
31 Jan 2014

ForwardShare This is a tad different, asking if you want a job… don’t click any of the links, cash is never free…. Please detele the email and do not be tempeted to relpy ot it at all! Delete this email and do not send them any of your personal details! In general when you
31 Jan 2014
Dear Friend, Greetings UEMOA

ForwardShare Hi guys, another african from Burkina Faso wants to send you millions of dollars don’t fall for it. Please detele the email and do not be tempeted to relpy ot it at all! Delete this email and do not send them any of your personal details! In general when you suspect the email
30 Jan 2014
Dear Esteem Client, Did You Have Any One To Pick Up Your Funds Payment?

ForwardShare Central Bank of Nigeria would love to give a friend of yours 10 million dollars and need your help! Please detele the email and do not be tempeted to relpy ot it at all! Delete this email and do not send them any of your personal details! In general when you suspect the
28 Jan 2014

ForwardShare Secret bank account with cash in Euros this time, forget there nother there for you delete! Please detele the email and do not be tempeted to relpy ot it at all! Delete this email and do not send them any of your personal details! In general when you suspect the email could come
28 Jan 2014
Bank of Africa – Confidential Respond.

ForwardShare This is another back of Afric spam we have received unfortunally there is no money for you in Africa! Please detele the email and do not be tempeted to relpy ot it at all! Delete this email and do not send them any of your personal details! In general when you suspect the
27 Jan 2014

ForwardShare Well image that fact that some business man wants to give you 20 million dollars…. don’t is not true you are being scammed! Please detele the email and do not be tempeted to relpy ot it at all! Delete this email and do not send them any of your personal details! In general
22 Jan 2014
URGENT RESPONSE – Bank of Ghana have outstanding funds for you!

ForwardShare Another Bank of Africa/Ghana scam but coming to you they want you to acz as next of kin for a dead guy and look after his 10 mil USD…. Please detele the email and do not be tempeted to relpy ot it at all! Delete this email and do not send them any
20 Jan 2014
F.B.I-FINAL REMINDER NOTICE You’ll get in to trouble if you don’t reply!!!!

ForwardShare Another Bank of Africa scam but coming to you via the FBI, it show many people cc’ed at the bottom for authenticity…. Please detele the email and do not be tempeted to relpy ot it at all! Delete this email and do not send them any of your personal details! In general when