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11 Aug 2013
Good Day to You Out There, scam from Rev.Oliver Peters

ForwardShare A nigerian SCAM, for the UK, from a dubious Rev.Oliver Peters. The story is good, well written, but this is just a scam again, so pls. delete it! Delete this email and do not send them any of your personal details! In general when you suspect the email could come from a scammer: Do not
28 Jul 2013
Federal Express Courier scam from mikeljp@singnet.com.sg

ForwardShare From: fedex post delivery <mikeljp@singnet.com.sg> Date: July 7, 2013 7:43:20 PM GMT+02:00 To: Fedex@ng.Com Subject: *** Spam *** Dear Customer Reply-To: fedexpostdeliver11@live.com Federal Express Courier Call Line:+234-7057371024 CPEL/OWN/66899. Dear Customer, We have been waiting for you to contact us for your Confirmable Package that is registered with us for shipping to your residential Location. We had thought that your
29 Jun 2013
Facebook stuff

ForwardShare Some halfway scam I found on Facebook recently, and a good one with the picture of Einstein, I thought you will like these! In general when you suspect the email could come from a scammer: Do not reply, delete the e-mail immediately! Never ever give any personal data, information out via e-mail to anybody!
29 Jun 2013
addison.rahm1@laposte.net, monsellam@gmail.com,Dr Abbas Mohamed Sellam SCAM

ForwardShare Good news is that you found this post on the web and you will not reply to these scammers Delete this email and do not send them any of your personal details! In general when you suspect the email could come from a scammer: Do not reply, delete the e-mail immediately! Never ever
16 Jun 2013

ForwardShare Dr.Isaac Faraji from Ouagadougou Republic of BURKINA FASO from the African development Bank is trying to transfer us money, what a pitty … IT IS A SCAM! Delete this email and do not send them any of your personal details! In general when you suspect the email could come from a scammer: Do not
16 Jun 2013
THIS IS A GOOD NEWS, scam from Dr Abbas Mohamed Sellam, addison.rahm1@laposte.net

ForwardShare Salamu alaikum, not sure whether spelled correctly Short and low quality scam to undisclosed recepients, net no reply please! This is a bad quality scam! Delete this email and do not send them any of your personal details! In general when you suspect the email could come from a scammer: Do not reply,
26 Mai 2013
Red Bull international lottery scam from info@winner.org

ForwardShare Red Bull Lottery SCAM comes now in a new format, this time from Jack Jordan! Very obvious fake, nice try !! Do not email them your personal details! In general when you suspect the email could come from a scammer: Do not reply, delete the e-mail immediately! Never ever give any personal data, information
24 Mai 2013
Cash Grant/Donation SCAM from headagency@yahoo.com

ForwardShare Very short, not very typical nigerian scam! You should not email them for claims, but we will do. Just to see what we get in the next email. In general when you suspect the email could come from a scammer: Do not reply, delete the e-mail immediately! Never ever give any personal data, information