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Re: Letter of Intent…

ForwardShare The IMF have fund for your personal account, Don’t The IMF only deal in countires banking! Please detele the email and do not be tempeted to relpy ot it at all!   Delete this email and do not send them any of your personal details! In general when you suspect the email could come


ForwardShare pretty please respond so I can let other scammer know you will responed…. DON’T Please detele the email and do not be tempeted to relpy ot it at all!   Delete this email and do not send them any of your personal details! In general when you suspect the email could come from a

*** Spam *** Urgent Attention Needed

ForwardShare INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF) DEPT: WORLD DEBT RECONCILIATION AGENCIES. ADVISE: YOUR OUTSTANDING PAYMENT NOTIFICATION Attention A power of attorney was forwarded to our office this morning by two gentle men, one of them is an American national and he is MR DAVID DEANE by name while the other person is MR… JACK MORGAN by
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