mail scam Archive
07 Apr 2014
Dear Subscribers,

ForwardShare We have never dealt with this as a client or customer and we did not dare click the link. Please detele the email and do not be tempeted to relpy ot it at all! Delete this email and do not send them any of your personal details! In general when you suspect the
07 Apr 2014

ForwardShare A General from Syria wants to give you 20 Million USD! Please detele the email and do not be tempeted to relpy ot it at all! Delete this email and do not send them any of your personal details! In general when you suspect the email could come from a scammer: Do not
03 Apr 2014

ForwardShare May the lord be with you and my 5.5 million USD to help him find you! Please detele the email and do not be tempeted to relpy ot it at all! Delete this email and do not send them any of your personal details! In general when you suspect the email could come
01 Apr 2014

ForwardShare Another Bank of Africa scam don’t reply….. Please detele the email and do not be tempeted to relpy ot it at all! Delete this email and do not send them any of your personal details! In general when you suspect the email could come from a scammer: Do not reply, delete the e-mail
31 Mrz 2014
Help me save the world!

ForwardShare I am dying please take my money and do good with it. Please detele the email and do not be tempeted to relpy ot it at all! Delete this email and do not send them any of your personal details! In general when you suspect the email could come from a scammer: Do
31 Mrz 2014
Are You Dead Or Alive..Pls,Urgent Reply Needed

ForwardShare Pleasre respond if your Alive OR DEAD!…. nice try, and we’ll give you 15 million USD Please detele the email and do not be tempeted to relpy ot it at all! Delete this email and do not send them any of your personal details! In general when you suspect the email could come
31 Mrz 2014

ForwardShare Well this is an old one… All you have to do is sent us 450 USD and we’ll send you 8.5 million USD! Please detele the email and do not be tempeted to relpy ot it at all! Delete this email and do not send them any of your personal details! In general
26 Mrz 2014
Buying Commodities want some Gold Dust!

ForwardShare want to buy some of our Gold Dust?…… NO! Please detele the email and do not be tempeted to relpy ot it at all! Delete this email and do not send them any of your personal details! In general when you suspect the email could come from a scammer: Do not reply, delete