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02 Mai 2013
SCAM *** PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL from marketing@shopdambao.vn

ForwardShare From: “Engr. Dagogo Jack”<marketing@shopdambao.vn> Date: April 27, 2013 4:30:46 AM GMT+02:00 To: undisclosed-recipients:; Subject: *** Spam *** PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. Reply-To: <eng.dagogojack@yahoo.co.uk> NIGERIA LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS COMPANY KM 16 Port Harcourt-Aba Expressway, Port Harcourt , Rivers State , Nigeria . Email: eng.dagogojack@yahoo.co.ukSTRICTLY CONFIDENTIALATTN: PRESIDENT /CEO. I am Engr. Dagogo Jack a Board Member of the Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas Company
02 Mai 2013
SCAM *** Red Bull international lottery from info@lotto.org
ForwardShare From: Red Bull international lottery <info@lotto.org> Date: 24. April 2013 18:02:52 MESZ To: webmaster@stopmailscam.com Cc: recipient list not shown: ; Subject: *** Spam *** Reply-To: l_redbull@yahoo.com.hk This is to notify you of the Red Bull international lottery draw promo held here in London and you have been awarded the sum of £3, 000.000.00 (Three million Pounds) by the committee set
20 Apr 2013
Good day Ms. Carman L.Lapointe from mscarmanll@dgoh.org

ForwardShare From: ”Ms. Carman L.Lapointe”<mscarmanlap@gmail.com> Date: 19. April 2013 23:35:12 MESZ To: webmaster@stopmailscam.com Subject: *** Spam *** GOOD DAY Reply-To: <mscarmanll@dgoh.org> From: Ms. Carman L. Lapointe Head Of United Nations Under-Secretary- General For Internal Oversight Services Contact My Personal AssistanceTo: Unpaid Beneficiary, This is to inform you that I came to Nigeria yesterday from Canada, after series of complaint from
20 Apr 2013
Remain blessed in the Lord, from solo3@zipmail.com.br

ForwardShare From: NAOMI SOLOMON <solo3@zipmail.com.br> Date: 15. April 2013 11:30:04 MESZ To: undisclosed-recipients:; Subject: *** Spam *** Remain blessed in the Lord. Donation From Mrs Naomi Solomon BP 122 R.Des Martyrs Cocody Abidjan, Cote d’IvoireDEAREST ONE IN THE LORD I am the above named person from Kuwait. I am married to Mr.Anthony Solomon who worked with Kuwait embassy here
20 Apr 2013
Confidential Business Proposal from josephchinedu@ymail.com. Oral discussion is also possible :)

ForwardShare From: ”Barr. Chinedu Joseph Esq”<chinedujoseph1@live.com> Date: 15. April 2013 18:28:07 MESZ To: webmaster@stopmailscam.com Subject: *** Spam *** RE:Confidential Business Proposal. Reply-To: <josephchinedu@ymail.com> Dear Sir, RE:Confidential Business Proposal. I want you to patiently read this offer. My name is Barr.Chinedu Joseph Esq, the attorney of the deceased former Head of Delegation to the World Bank in West Africa. My client
20 Apr 2013
Lottery win Carmen Fortes @ CARMENFORTES@bpsma.org

ForwardShare From: CARMEN FORTES <CARMENFORTES@bpsma.org> Date: 8. April 2013 05:21:24 MESZ To: CARMEN FORTES <CARMENFORTES@bpsma.org> Subject: RE: From: CARMEN FORTES Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2013 9:43 PM To: CARMEN FORTES Subject: My wife Violet and I Allen Large won $11.3 million in a lottery 6-49 in July, 2010 and we have decided to donate the sum of $2,000,000.00 USD to you. Contact
04 Apr 2013
ALL SCAMMED VICTIM AWARD (UNITED NATIONS) from koelnerbank912@rocketmail.com
ForwardShare message: From: Mr. SK Williams <koelnerbank912@rocketmail.com> Date: 4. April 2013 02:09:17 MESZ To: webmaster@stopmailscam.com Subject: *** Spam *** ALL SCAMMED VICTIM AWARD (MESSAGE FROM UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION) Reply-To: koelnerbank912@rocketmail.com KOELNER BANK COMPENSATION UNIT, IN AFFILIATION WITH THE UNITED NATIONS Attention:Beneficiary, How are you today?Hope all is well with you and family?,You may not understand why this mail came to
21 Mrz 2013
Scam Payment From Mr. Ibrahim Lamorde from mr.ibrahimlamorde@live.com

ForwardShare From: “Mr. Ibrahim Lamorde” Date: 17. März 2013 19:19:30 MEZ To: mr.ibrahimlamorde@live.com Subject: *** Spam *** Information About Your Payment From Mr. Ibrahim Lamorde Reply-To: Economic & Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) EFCC Head Quarters, Lagos, Nigeria. My Name is Mr. Ibrahim Lamorde the new Economic and Financial Crimes Commission chairperson in Nigeria. Good Day